Saturday 27 March 2010

Panic.. Final idea!!

Seeing as I was looking as phobia as a theme and using a lot of different ones in my project, a friend pointed out that there is such a thing as having a phobia of phobias. This is called Phobaphobia and basically the person with this condition has one fear at first but then gradually starts to fear more. To me the mind then must play up these fears up constantly and must be going round and around the head where one fear fuels the other. This gave me a image of a machine going round like the brain working constantly. So I thought that I could show how the brain of someone with phobaphobia mind works by playing on fear with another. Heres the first image I designed.

I felt that something more needed to be done so I asked my tutorial group how what would they change? It was felt that the character was so bold and might take emphasis from the work. I needed to deiced what was most important in the image, and also they felt it could be a lot more complicated than it was. There wasn't that many phobias in there and could be done to extreme. So I listened and this is what came out.

The white background for the design was better than the color as you now see the images better. The brain on the bottom doesn't take all the focus away and there's more phobias included in it. This is the final image that I have handed into the exhibit as a A2 piece of work. The aesthetics of the of the image was questioned to whether it should look so cartoon like, however I find that I personally like this style I've worked with. It's definitely a way of drawing I liked but I have a feeling that because someone mentioned the style, I will try some other styles if time permits.

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